We all want to create the best possible atmosphere at home, so we carefully choose furnishings and decorations that would please our eyes and make us feel good. But in doing so, most of us do not go beyond choosing a comfortable sofa and some nice decor items. However, there is much more than those obvious things when it comes to creating a harmonious living space. So, let’s talk about window Feng Shui and how you should use its techniques to make your home a better place.

Feng Shui literally means “wind and water”. The science behind it is to create a flow of positive energy, as well as to maintain your own positive energy. This positive energy is called Chi.

According to Feng Shui, every object in our living space has an impact on us – either positive or negative. Our task is to modify this space to create a constant flow of positive energy. In Feng Shui everything matters – colors, shapes, position and size of objects. An incorrectly placed object or a mismatched color may create negative energy that will disturb the harmony of your home.

Windows are considered “the eyes” of the house and in relation to your life they indicate your ability to see clearly the direction of your life. Thus, if you want to apply some Feng Shui principles to your living space, starting with your windows is a good idea.

Windows of the right size

Feng shui-friendly windows should be big enough to let in a lot of sunlight, but at the same time they shouldn’t be from ceiling to floor, as your own Chi will escape through the windows at the floor level. Moreover, such windows do not offer enough protection from negative energy coming from outside. People living in apartments with windows from ceiling to floor, very often feel exhausted without having a clue to the reason of it. Such windows are especially disturbing for young children making them hyperactive and very uncomfortable. If you happen to live in such an apartment, the following recommendations will help you protect your positive energy from slipping out through your windows.

To make your windows appear smaller, you can create “a wall” at the bottom using paper, fabric or any other material that would serve this purpose. Additionally, placing a heavy object, for example, a big plant pot, will create a barrier for your Chi, thus it will not escape as easily.

Following some of the principles of Feng Shui is much easier when they are applied while the house is being built, but you can still transform your home into a positively energized place by applying some other principles that are quite easy to follow even if your house is older than you. Just follow our recommendations and you will instantly feel the difference.

Keep them clean

Having windows of the right size is not enough for the positive energy to flow freely inside your home. Keeping the windows clean is another important requirement for good Feng Shui. Unclear and dusty windows are related to uncertainty in life. If cleaning them seems like a chore to you, then you may consider choosing windows with self-cleaning glass.


Add some décor

In order to further enhance the positive impact of good Feng Shui, it is recommended to hang some wind chimes and place bamboo plants on your windows. They will help keep the positive energy inside and the negative energy outside of your home.

When decorating your home, do not forget about the walls surrounding your windows. Some nice decor pieces hung on the walls next to your windows will definitely be a positive addition to the good Feng Shui that you have already created.

Location matters

It is not considered good Feng Shui when the windows open inwards. But if you already have such windows, make sure that they do not open to the west.

Windows aligned with the entrance door will have bad feng shui, as the positive energy that enters through the door, will escape directly through the windows without having the chance to circulate inside your home. In this case you can cover your windows with heavy curtains to protect this inflow of positive energy from escaping.

Versatile shapes

The shape of your windows is another factor to consider for ensuring an inflow of positive energy into your living space. For this purpose octagonal and arched windows are considered the best.

Cracked objects radiate negative energy, so do cracked windows. Replacing a cracked window is always a good idea, but it is especially important if you are trying to follow the principles of good Feng Shui in your home.

Add some curtains

Curtains are certainly considered to be one of the most favorable and useful add-ons in Feng Shui.

The primary purpose of window treatments is to give privacy and to regulate the amount of natural light in your rooms. However, in feng shui the material, the color and the pattern, the length and the width are equally important.

According to feng shui, the best window coverings are those that:

– are made of natural material. Feng Shui “loves” everything natural. When you choose window coverings, keep this in mind. Curtains made of natural fabric like cotton or silk, blinds made of natural materials like wood or bamboo, would be the best Feng Shui solutions. Ideally, curtain rods should also be of a natural material, like metal or wood.

– complement the interior decor and create a harmonious look. Even if your curtains have been selected according to all other Feng Shui requirements, if they do not fit into your interior decor, they will disturb the harmony that you are trying to achieve.

– have a color that not only matches the decor, but also serves the purpose of the room: green and pink colors are best for bedrooms, as they create a loving and calm atmosphere; red is an excellent color for a dining room, as it is energizing; refreshing orange and yellow are good for a playroom; purple is the color of spirituality and transformation. You should choose a color depending on the type of energy you want to create in a particular room.

– are long enough to touch the floor. Even if you don’t have windows from ceiling to floor, having longer curtains will give an extra protection from negative energy.

– are wide enough to fold nicely, but at the same time not too wide to create a heavy and negative energy.

Having too many windows is also an indication of bad Feng Shui in your living space. Covering some of them with heavy curtains will reduce the negative impact and will not disturb the harmony of your home as much.

Sunlight is very important too. Thus, try to keep your curtains tied and windows open as much as possible during the day. On the contrary, you need to always keep your curtains closed at night as the dark light disturbs Chi.


As you can see, windows play an important role in creating a positive and harmonious living area. Their size, position, shape, décor  are all important.

By following these recommendations you will achieve harmony in your home that will always positively energize you. However, if you find them hard to follow, you can hire a Feng Shui specialist to help you create and maintain a constant flow of positive energy.